Friday, December 21, 2007

Eco Awareness

Back in the mid 1980's, I was living in Minneapolis and soy-based inks were just coming into mainstreamed use, I wanted to begin producing ALL my designs on recycled papers using soy-based inks. This was in era of embellishments, foil stamping, great new papers....the age of excess, the 1980's. I did a bit of graphic work which involved these fancy 'new' sustainable printing techiniques....however, they were somewhat more expensive [@ that time] than regular printing/production techniques.

Well, I kept my eye on this recycling/sustainable phenomenon and moved to Beijing, China. Here all people wanted was to prosper....little regard for the environment. Sadly, this is why I moved out of Beijing. It is a huge issue facing China and the world. And when you watch the next-mentioned video, you will understand why.

Fast forward to 2007, I came across The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. Please look at her video and blog at The Story of Stuff

We as designers have the ability and duty to 'design' packaging, advertising and all the supporting collateral to 'guide' the public in understanding the sustainable issue. It is critical we designers use our clout to make the necessary changes.

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